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Introduction to Database Systems

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What is Database?

A database is a computer application that is used for storing, managing, and accessing information known as data. Information is entered into the database by an administrator or user and organized into tables. Together, these tables and the information stored in them make up (являются частью) the database.

There are many different types of databases and they have many uses. Hospitals use them to keep track of treatments (лечение) given to patients. Companies use them to store information about their employees (работники).

Databases can be simple or very complicated, with many tables storing all kinds of information. Some databases are so complex that database management systems are needed to administer them.

Databases can be of great use when researching school projects, for example, or investigating (исследование) topics that interest you. They can be used to search for specific information about a person or subject, putting a lot of complicated information at your fingertips (в вашем распоряжении) and in an easy-to-navigate format.
