Chris: Tim, could you help me a moment, please?
Tim: Sure. What's the problem?
Chris: I need some information about a book budget from the database.
Tim: OK.
Chris: But I don't know how to get it.
Tim: No problem.
Chris: So what do I do first?
Tim: Enter your name and password and press Enter
Chris: Erm ... ?
Tim: You have got a password?
Chris: Erm, I can't remember it.
Tim: Use mine. Type in T Evans, that's t-e-v-a-n-s, then snavet. s-n-a-v-e-t.
Chris: OK.
Tim: Now press Enter
. Now what is the name of the book?
Chris: “Basic French”.
Tim: OK. Type in that in the title field in the first column. Now press “Find”. There it is. OK, budget. Click on “Publishing” and scroll down to “Plant costs” and click on that.
Chris: Good. There's the budget in the second row. Thanks, Tim.
Tim: No problem.
Glossary 6 - Database processing | Introduction to Database Systems |