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Glossary 3 – Working with computers

Word Transcription Definition Translation
access (n)[ˈækses] to enter, for example a website доступ
back up (n, phr v) [bæk ʌp] to make a copy of information stored on a computerрезервное копирование, бэкап
burn (v) [bɜːn] if you burn a CD or DVD, you record music, images or other information onto it using special computer equipment записывать (на диск)
check-up (n) [tʃek ʌp] scanning for errors and removing problem files диагностика/проверка
connect (v) [kəˈnekt] to join something to a computer or telephone networkсоединять/подключать
insert (v) [ɪnˈsɜːt] to put something inside or into something elseвставлять
install (v) [ɪnˈstɔːl] to put a piece of equipment somewhere and connect it so that you can use it устанавливать
move (v) [muːv] to take something and put it in a different place or positionперемещать
run (v) [rʌn] to make a computer program workзапускать
set up (phr v) [set ʌp] to install and make a new computer system work for the first timeинсталлировать и настраивать
troubleshoot (v)[ˈtrʌb.l̩ˌʃuː.t] to solve problems that a computer is havingустранять неполадки
usage (n) [ˈjuː.sɪdʒ] the way in which something is usedиспользование
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