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Glossary 2 – Computer software

Word Transcription Definition Translation
application (n)[ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn] a computer program приложение
efficient (adj) [ ɪˈfɪʃnt] if someone or something is efficient, they work well without wasting time, money or energy эффективный
package (n) [ˈpækɪdʒ] a set of related programs sold together for use on a computerпрограммный пакет
process (n) [ˈprəʊses] a particular series of operations on the information, such as a set of calculations обработка, процесс
software (n) [ˈsɒftweə( r )] programs that a computer uses to do different jobsпрограммное обеспечение
user-friendly (adj) [ˈjuːzə( r ) ˈfrendli] easy to use, understand or operateудобный пользователю
version (n)[ˈvɜːʃn] a copy of something that has been changed so that it is slightly different версия
УпражненияIntroduction to Computers: Software