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Dialogue 1

On the Telephone

A. — Hello, 241 03 36.
Y. — Good morning. Can I speak to Mr Brown, please?
A. — Who's calling, please?
Y. — This is Mr Young, from Fielding and Co.
A. — Just a minute, Mr Young ... Yes, I'm putting you through.

put through — соединить (по телефону)

Dialogue 2

A. — Excuse me, can you help me with a translation?

B. — Well, no, not just now, I'm afraid. I'm preparing a very important document. Please come this afternoon, about three or so, if isn't too late, but give me a ring first.

A. — Oh, yes, that's quite convenient for me. Thanks a lot.

Dialogue 3

S. — Hello!

P. — Hello. Is that Mrs Simons?

S. — Quite right! What can I do for you?

P. — Good morning, Mr Simons. Petrov from Moscow speaking. I've got some questions to ask you about our contract. Can I see you about it today?

S. — Yes, certainly! What time?

P. — Any time you say.

S. — What about three this afternoon?

P. — Fine!

S. — I can send the car to your hotel at two thirty to bring you here. Is that all right?

P. — Oh, that's very kind of you. Thanks a lot.

S. — Not at all. Till this afternoon, then.

contract — ['kɔntrækt] — контракт
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