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  1. My daughter could play the piano when she was only six.
  2. Old Tim could dance very well when he was young.
  3. I couldn't go to the theatre yesterday.
  4. I didn't ring you, because I couldn't remember your telephone number.
  5. We could see the game quite well from our seats.
  6. Couldn't you hear me when I phoned you?
  7. We couldn't speak English at all last year.
  8. He didn't speak clearly, so a lot of people couldn't understand him.
  9. They asked me the way in English, and I was able to show it to them.
  10. The boy couldn't tell us the way, because he didn't understand English.
  11. I was glad I was able to finish my homework before the movie began.
  12. I was so sorry I couldn't finish my homework before the movie began.
  13. I could hear you very clearly, but you couldn't hear me.
  14. Could you watch the game on the telly yesterday?

Прочитайте вслух текст, обращая внимание на употребление глагола can и оборота able. Задайте вопросы друг другу по содержанию эпизода и инсценируйте его.

Anne Parker, a young British scientist, is on a visit to Moscow, to attend a conference. Peter Smirnov, her Russian counterpart, was able to get some tickets for the Maly Theatre for Saturday, and he wanted to take her British collegue, but he fell ill at the last moment and couldn't go. So Anne went without him. When she was back at her hotel after the theatre, she rang Peter.

Anne: — Hello! Is that you, Peter? This is Anne.
Peter: — Hello, Anne! How did you like the play?
A.: — Oh, it was excellent. But how are you?
P.: — Well, the doctor dosen't let me go out yet, but I'm quite all right. Now tell me about the play.
A.: — Oh, it was marvellous. I'm so sorry you weren't able to go with me.
P.: — Yes, it ⤵was a ⤴pity! But tell me, were the seats good?
A.: — Yes, I could see and hear very well. And I could understand the actors quite well, they spoke very clearly.
P.: — Oh, your Russians excellent!
A.: — No, Peter, not yet. I can say a lot of things now, but can't always understand people.
P.: — Last year you could only say some very simple words in Russian. Don't you remember?
A.: — Of course, I do! I couldn't understand people at all. Well, it's ⤵my turn to get tickets for the theatre. What about next Saturday?
P.: — Fine! Thanks a lot!
A.: — Not at all.

Новые слова

scientist — ['saɪəntɪst] — ученый (в области естественных и точных наук)
attend — [ə'tend] — присутствовать, посещать
conference — ['kɔnfrəns] — конференция
go to a conference
be at the conference
counterpart — ['kauntəpɑ:t] — коллега, представитель другой организации
fall ill (fell fallen) — заболеть
Syn. get ill
play — пьеса
marvellous — ['mɑ:vələs] — чудесный, прекрасный, удивительный
Употребите правильную форму глаголаВопросы типа Do ⤴you? Did ⤴you? ⤴Have you? - А вы? А ты?