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A Joke

This happened at a lesson in a village school. All the children were from farmers' families. The teacher was very young. “Now let me explain a new grammar rule,” she said to her class.

”A noun,” she went on, “is the name of a thing, a person or an animal. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Miss!” all the children answered.
“Then which of you can give me an example of a noun?”
“I can!” a little girl said.
“Well, what's your example?”
Cow!” the little girl answered.
“Good!” the teacher said. “And can you give another example?”
“Of course,” was the answer. “Another cow.”

Новые слова

joke — шутка
happen — случаться, происходить
grammar — ['græməʳ] — грамматика; грамматический
'grammar rule — грамматическое правило
noun — существительное
cow — [kau] — корова
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